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Bed Pressure Sensor Pad


Weight Sensor Mat

Weight sensitive sensor pads placed under or behind a patient trigger an alarm when the weight is removed from them


                                                                                           Product Description

AliMed® Bed Sensor Pad Alarm Systems Weight-sensitive sensor pads placed under or behind a patient trigger an alarm when weight is removed from them. When the pads are placed behind a patient, the alarm provides an early warning because the patient has to move forward first before rising.

The sensor pads connect to either a Standard or a Tamper-Resistant Alarm unit. If desired, the alarm can trigger locally and/or remotely at a nursing station via a nurse call alarm jack connection. These alarms feature high and low alarm settings, low battery indicators, and include a 9V battery. AliMed® alarms and sensor pads are covered by an unconditional, no-hassle, 6-month guarantee.
•Alarm provides early warning that patient has moved
•Alarm can trigger locally and/or remotely
•6-month guarantee


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